Thursday, 11 May 2017

Evaluation: Question 3) What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Evaluation Question 3 -  What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

One of the key important things that we learned was that it was vital to identify our demographic/target audience. The main reason why is the key elements that audience such as Mise en scene, artist, characters, themes, and settings depend or related to our target audience and can change because of our target audience. To ensure our music video appealed to our target audience we had to ensure that we had found out what they like or disliked and from that, we have been able to make appropriate decisions regarding our music video. The key areas that we have identified were the following. 

  • Genre: The Genre of the song was Hip, Hop and we chose Angels by Chance the rapper.
  • Gender: The music video was more appealing to males rather than a music video with certain areas within the music video targeting both males and females because of how the narrative changes half-way through the music video.
  • Age: The age range that the music video was targeted was between 18-30years old.
  • Ethnicity: The music video was designed to be targeted all ethnic groups which were reflected by the variety of characters that we have chosen. Which should appeal to a larger and wider audience.
  • Occupation: The target audience in regards to occupation is normal and working class audience and students which are E1-C2 Occupation. Because the music video narrative relates to some of the feelings or view held by people in those categories.
  •  Hobbies and interests: This isn’t applicable because the music video itself wasn’t niche or aimed at any particular group. However, the music video draws upon various themes which may interest particular interests within music and within a certain genre. However, for this category, we can say that we aimed for everyone.

Questionnaire and Graphics

During the planning stage of the media project. The group and I carried out a questionnaire in order to receive feedback about our ideas for the music video. At the time we were interested in what our target audience thought about the music video and what ideas would they have. From the questionnaire, we have identified important things such as what was popular according to our target audience and what is needed in music videos. The questionnaire allowed me to make clear decisions about my narrative, characters, mise en scene and which helped in the production stages of the music video. 

Below is the questionnaire. 

Some of the important questions were

How did this help you make decisions

The questionnaire helped us making decisions because of the question and the feedback that we have received that allowed us to identify our target audience expectations from a music video. We based our decisions on key factors. For example “” The questionnaire was vital for our media project because in order to make a music video we had to understand that was important key factors that had to be included. And without the questionnaire, we would have less valuable feedback. Overall the questionnaire helped us to understand the convections and the expectations of our target audience.

What is the importance of receiving critical feedback once the production has been made?

It was important to receive feedback about our final production. Additionally, it has to your target audience who should see the production rather than a large range of different audiences. Because of you're more likely to receive precise feedback on coursework. Additionally, once we have received feedback we can then make amendments if we have to. The fore it was important that we held a focus group which included our target audience allowing us to provide feedback on our media work. Doing this allowed us to work more effectively and make amendments to the music videos in certain areas and most importantly maximising the music video success and was able to meet the expectations of our target audience. 

Focus Group pictures and feedback comments on Sound cloud

What did you learn from this audience feedback in terms of whether you created a conventional and successful music video?

The audience feedback was overall positive. Additionally, it was conventional and we have received constructive feedback which allowed us to improve the work. Criticism has been varied and highlighted some very important things we should have done to improve the music video. This includes???. Overall a majority of the final project and how the artist was portrayed in the music video.

What did you learn from this audience feedback in terms of whether you created a conventional and successful music video?

Over this project, we have learned that our majority of the audience and our target audience like the music video. Giving me various feedback which is both positive and negative response. The music video was widely viewed as conventional however in some areas. From the response received we have been able to make amendments to my video so it helps improve the final video. Additionally, the criticism could be useful later on if I was to make any more music videos.


Overall I used various media platforms to promote the music video. This includes Facebook and Instagram. Which are accessible to almost everyone and allowed us to receive feedback on our media. Additionally, we have aimed at a target audience. We have received a mixture of positive and negative feedback which has allowed us to make amendments to the final music video. They was various examples such as lip-syncing was on point in some clips, There werent really enough editing techniques used and some shots should of been re-done and suggestions on what could be improved. As the editor the feedback is important to me because it can allow me to further improve my work later on. And make adjustmeants to the final music video.

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